What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer generated image onto a users view of the real world.

How is AR different from a surgeon using just navigation or robotics?

The key advantage of AR is that it allows the surgeon to not have to take his/her eyes off of the patient/surgical field and look directly through the headset whereas when surgeons use navigation or robotics, they have to look away from the patient and at a monitor to perform the surgery.

How are spine surgeons using AR in surgery?

Surgeons are using AR to improve the accuracy and precision of spinal instrumentation placed into the spine, thereby improving patient outcomes.

When using AR, spine surgeons wear a headset. This headset will provide computer generated images of the patients CT scan into their eyepieces which will display surgical anatomy and imaging that is superimposed over the users view of the real world. This is similar to GPS navigation in your car in which it displays computer-based surgical navigation guidance info onto the surgeons visual field thereby increasing the safety and accuracy of surgery. This allows for visualization of deep structures without the need to make an incision therefore giving the surgeon essentially, “x-ray vision.”